Top 10 Signs Your Dog Loves You!

Every dog owner has curious about how much my dog loves me, but heart-warming truth is every dog loves his owner like a god. This also depends how you raising your dog since from puppy, based on the way you treating your dog they will grow becoming from the past experience. Some dogs becomes very friendly, some of them obedience and some of them very lazy and some of them aggressive.etc.,.So, now we will discover the top 10 facts how you know about your dog loves you. This beautiful relationship dates back from thousands and thousands years ago with deep emotional connection can’t describe in words if you really love your dog.

1. Unbreakable Bond:

Dogs are one of the gods gift for humans, dogs are not only for loyalty they are one of the pure souls to giving pure loves to the loved ones. Once dogs feel that they are in the safe hands, they never leave you whatever happens. This bond mixed with LOYAL and LOVE. These bonds no one can give you in the earth only animals can do this , very few humans we can see in the millions. Dogs and humans relationships are silent waves like mother and child.

2. Nurturing Instincts:

Dogs also having the caring thoughts for their owners like child. They also doing gentle nudges, comforting snuggles and watchful eyes. These caring thoughts come from their hearts from the emotional connection by nature. This instinct grows all the way from early stages. Very surprisingly dogs caring owners babies seems very heart-warming moments for dog owners. Also they are following the babies wherever they grow and many situations they protecting the babies and saved the little onces lives like a mother.

3. Puppy-like Dependence:

Dogs are always showing love to the owners like puppy regardless of the age. Every time they seeking mothers love from you and dogs also having the feelings that if you are sad ,depressed or anxiety they will try to make you happy and they asking attention from you. Most of the peoples they thinking dogs irritating at the moment but the actual they are trying to calming you , relaxing you like your child.

4. Joyful Greetings:

Dogs are very much excited every time they see you after few days or even few hours. Their wagging tails, excited barks and loving sounds of happiness and joyful greetings. Animals can show their welcoming greeting only these kinds of ways. God doesn’t give the power to the animals for speak, laugh. But these pure souls showing their unconditional love into very cute ways.

5. Seeking Comfort:

Just like child dogs also seeking comfort arms from the owner like a mother. Whether they are happy or they are sad or feeling anxious. Really dogs like babies may be they have looked like bigger, stronger but their heart is very kind and clean like babies.

6. Protective Nature:

A mother and father always have think that our babies should safe at any situations. The same instincts we can see in the basic natures of dogs. They are standing guard for you and your family 24/7 for only pure love and affection. Humans best companions only dog , even many thousands of years will come can’t break this bond and protective nature.

7. Endless Affection:

Dogs will never tired to show their endless affection to their loved ones. Like a baby, dogs showing they affection with the owners until their last breath. Wagging tails, hugging with paws, dancing in the floor, uncontrolled activeness, licking, different sounds, sitting near to your shoulders are the ways dogs showing their affection to you and your family. When your dogs getting older you may know how much they loved and affectionate with you. Also you have responsible to take care with proper diet and exercise consulting with vet for your lovable companion

8. Imagined Roles:

In general all we know that dogs are imaging their owners like their super heroes. The same way you also think that our dog will come and save you if you are in any difficult situation. However dog always imagine that you will always give safer hands and care for their last breath. This imagination role always comes into the mind while seeing you. So that they are getting too much excitement. This imagination role will extent depends on bond you creating with them. Basic obedience training is must for your dog no matter what breed & age.

9. Unwavering Loyalty:

Alternate word for loyalty is only one consider that ‘Dogs’. They are giving their lives to protect their owners from the emergency situations and other critical situations for their loved ones. Especially in defence many service dogs they gave their precious and priceless lives for the country and owner. Any breed and size doesn’t matter for dogs to protect their owners. Once they get the trigger from inside something not good for their owner they will turn into beast until they feel you are in zone.

10. Intuition Parallels:

Most of the times mother and child for their feelings intuition parallels. Dogs seem to sense their humans emotional, needs and moods, moulding a connection that goes beyond verbal communication intuitive bond shared between a mother and her child. This intuition will make so much love to your dog. Because they aware of that what you need next from the current situation, trained dogs are very smart in the matters and they are very much helpful to their owners. This kind of behaviour shall reduce the maintained time for your dog.

Keeping a dog is not easy task more than 10 to 12 years ,first 6 months to 1 year dogs grow very fast from puppy to adult stage , and 2 to 4 years they are very energetic and uncontrollable after 4 years they are getting calm and they understand the real world and they adapt accordingly. Since from 4 years to last breath they are coming besides you like everything to you. Most of the large breed dogs are getting calm  and adapt with the environment shall take time and meantime you patience to take care of them.

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