Homemade High-Protein Chicken Dog Food Recipe Healthy & Delicious!

Dear pet parents welcome to our blog we will discuss how to make Homemade High-Protein Chicken Dog Food Recipe  Healthy & Delicious! with proper nutrition for your lovable furry friend

Chicken with Rice

Let’s choose good healthy chicken chest pieces or chicken with bones depends on your dogs breed and age. If your puppy above three months above you can start to give chicken food. But, nowadays above 30 days some researchers feeding raw chicken. We suggest that to feed boiled chicken.

First step cut the chicken pieces best sizes for your dog eat and clean neatly. Once you clean the chicken with right quantity for your dog. Puppy’s need proper protein when they are growing. Every organs needs essential nutrition’s for their healthy and proper growth. Proteins are playing important role in your dog’s growth.

While your large breed dog in puppy stage you need to provide lot of protein that will helpful for strong and healthy bones and joints. Large and Giant breeds need to full fill their bone and joints nutrition’s. Dogs are very energetic and sportive, in the meantime its your duty to feed proper food to your companion.

Very easy cooking and cost effective we go with chicken to full fill dog proteins and nutrition’s.

Step: 1

Let’s start with the recipe – Clean the chicken which you going to feed and cut the sizes depends on your dog’s Age, breed and size. Once you cleaned the chicken put chicken into the new bowl and add one or two teaspoon turmeric power.

Now you just mixed well chicken and turmeric power combination. Once mixed well add some amount of water. Turmeric we using as a natural antibiotic to your dog’s food. This will destroy your dog’s unwanted germs and bacteria. Turmeric is one of the best antibiotics for humans also. Still in India any small level injury happens in their body they are applying turmeric power as a first aid medicine and this very effective also.

This turmeric powder will clean your dog’s stomach, in case they are affected any internal injury in stomach it will cure or preventing to spreading more into their stomach.

Now once mixed both chicken, turmeric power and add some water based on the quantity which you are going to cook for your dog. We advise to use clean water.

Step: 2

Once the mixture is ready change in to the bowl to boil the chicken mixture. Boil the chicken mixture with medium flam for 10 to 15 minutes. While boiling doesn’t add any other extra things like salt or sweet items.

Step: 3

After 10 minutes to 15 minutes of boiling stopped the flame. Now you can see in the bowl that top of the recipe oily layer is there, that soup layer contains lot of essential nutrients for your dog. Now you can separate the oily layer from the recipe. Now you can see that chicken and turmeric completely boiled and yellowish chicken you can get.

Step: 4

Now you can choose only you will feed your dog chicken soup with yellowish chicken or you need to add some extra flavours and other ingredients like boiled rice, boiled egg , carrots, Green beans, Pumpkin..Etc.

Always keep in your mind that choose the food items not harmful or food poisoned to your dog. Very few humans food items only match and good for your dogs. Always keep eye on your dog food and dog health.

Nutritious meals for dogs is very important, every pet parents should understand that raising pet is not just a hobby it’s full of commitments. Dog care is your responsibility, they can’t speck like us they will give some signs that’s we need identify what they are asking. When you have fully attached with your dog then only you know their language and you understand their needs and problems.

Step: 5

Here we will see hoe to make boiled rice; very first choose the best rice for your lovable dog and the clean the rice fully for your dog meals. Once fully cleaned, change the bowl. Then add required water in the rice.

Next medium flame you just boiled the rice for until rice getting soft. Once you noticed the rice was fully cooked, and then you can change required quantity of rice in to new bowl.

Step: 6

In this step, we will add both yellowish boiled chicken and boiled rice. Now you can add that chicken soup for flavour and complete dog meals. Dog diet is very important for their complete growth at that time of puppy.

Now, you need to fully mix required boiled rice, yellowish chicken and chicken soup. Here your dog’s complete dog meals ready to eat. In this meal we are not adding any kid of salt, excessive salt giving many health issues to your dog. So, better to avoid salt in your dog’s diet is good.

This High protein healthy food meal you can feed to you dog and just watch how they are love this food and required more and more. However they will ask until their stomach full, but you just feed based on your dog’s diet plan.

So, Dog owners don’t forget and try this delicious dog high protein diet for weekly 3 to 5 times to feed your lovable dog. If you required add some eggs and carrots to give complete full package meal to your dog.

We hope this homemade chicken rice high protein diet will give more confident in your dog diet confusion. This food anyone can in their home very easily and simply. Also this food very cost effective but one of the best dog foods for their overall health, skin, coat and bones and joints.

In the continuation, watch our YouTube channel @newpetsociety for more informative dog related videos will give more knowledge that how to care your dog, diets plan, Health issues ,daily training ,Obedience training and Behavioural training for your dogs.

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