Welcome to our blog, today we going to discuss about the most common and very important issue that many dog owners struggle to manage the anxiety of their dogs. Let’s dive in to discuss how to dealing with separation anxiety in Dogs.
Dogs are very sensitive and they are easily go into the anxiety problems, there are many reasons behind this issue and it will not resolve immediately that will make your complete behavioural change and this leads your very aggressive behaviour or shy behaviour.
Some other dogs will react differently like they are taking the food or continuous barking or biting to peoples. If your dog really change into this unlinked behaviour it is very tough to bring back your dog into normal condition.
Most of the dog owners reported that once their dogs attacked this separation anxiety they are struggling to come back to their normal life. However, It’s all about how you are love and caring about your dog.
If you are lovable pet owner you should maintain your dog health and training. Regular interactions with your dogs will make them confident and mentally strong. If your dog physically and mentally strong than no one can take them into the anxiety mode.
However, while you adopting a puppy before you have to consider many things that very first and importantly what kind of breed you required, it’s completely based on your family situation and financial matters. Because some kind of breeds need lot of maintenance and training due to their heavy size and thick fur.
Raising the dog is not easy task that you need lot of sacrifice, time and money. Every family situation and needs is different from others. So you have to carefully choose the dog breeds that are good for your family and your environment.
Basically you have to discuss with your family about your plan to bring dog in your home, discuss about the dog breed and maintenance and required space for them. Also very important that maximum age for dogs 10 to 12 Years so you have ready 10 to 12 years sacrifice, dedication and responsibility.
Dogs naturally loves playing and roaming the areas around the home and relaxation. Toy breeds you no need larger space or playing area. They are like to stay in the minimum access areas and they feel that is comfortable for them.
The same way if you going to medium and larger size breeds are very high activity level and playfulness dogs. They need larger space for playing, running. Basically they want to move everywhere and they need them very curious about the thing until they get practicing.
The very important point that they need good environment, the right environment will decide the right behaviour of your dog. Otherwise you need to provide the behavioural training for your dog to adopt the situation.
Socialization Training
Another important thing is that socialization training. Any breed, size you need to provide the socialization training. If you provide this training properly your dogs will gets matured easily. Most of the dogs doing this excessive barking due to non-socialization.
Take your dog into different locations and introduce with new peoples so that they will learn the peoples and environment. The more you socialization your dog will get more maturity and more they learn from the environment.
In the regular practice they will learn that how to behave with peoples and new environment. Because dogs are naturally more curious about environment you may noticed that if you are taking your dog to outside they will going everywhere to smell. They need to know about what is that what kind of thing is that, so make them socialization with new environments and peoples.
Also in the meantime you have introduce your dog into another dogs randomly because they need to understand that how to socialize with other dogs. Sometimes in this procedure you need to do very carefully. Because sometimes dogs are getting fight because of curiosity and excitement to know each other.
Comfortable Environment
Environment is playing one of the important roles in your dog’s behaviour. If you have large breed dog but you are not provide the right space and comfortable environment. They will not feel comfortable, once the dog is not feeling comfortable they fall into anxiety issues, or sometimes your dog will not take proper food.
You may get confuses that why these kind of behaviours happens in your dog. The most important point is that you dog is not feel comfortable. If they are not feeling comfortable they may face some health issues in the long.
This will start from the behavioural issues, once your dog’s behaviour is not well, you have to take immediate concern and you have to reach the right persons to resolve this anxiety issues. If you take the steps to resolve the behavioural and anxiety training you can change your dog into normal condition.
If you are a good pet parent you have a vision that what happened to your dog that how to resolve the issues and how many days it will take the process and also you have worry about your loved one getting sick. If you are not properly spend time with your dog chances are are very less than what happened to your dog, at present how they suffers and how you going to resolve the issues from your dog.
Separation anxiety mostly affects your dogs you are provide proper care and not spending quality time with your furry friend. Once you identify that your dog is affected by separation anxiety first you need spend time daily to gain your dog’s trust.
Create the comfortable space and pleasant environment. Also in the meantime you have to provide some special treat to your dog. Taking to walk, run and play. These kind of activities and environment will change your dog’s lifestyle and they will not going to affect separation anxiety.
We hope this information will helpful for your dog behaviour and overall lifestyle.
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