10 Dangerous Foods Your Dog Must Avoid | Toxic Foods for Your Dog

As dog owners, our furry friends are not just pets for your home, they are one of the members in your family like your child. it is very important that what you are feeding to them, some foods are very dangerous for you dogs and that will give serious health problems and, in such cases, you will lose your friend very badly. So here by we are providing some informative top 10 dangerous foods your dog must avoid for they long live and happily live forever with you. Raising puppy its not one day happiness while you getting present or adoption, its 15 years of commitment.

Chocolate: A Sweet Poison

Chocolate is one of human’s favourite treat, but unlikely it is very dangerous foods for your dog. So, very careful when babies playing with dog, they don’t chocolate is venom for their health. If you don’t this information, please educate your children’s how it will affect for your dog. Some cases it will directly your dogs heart rate and seizures. Chocolates can find in homes very easily if you have child, there is no shortage. So, take immediate concern about this chocolate to avoid your dogs.

Xylitol: A Hidden Threat

Xylitol a sugar substitute found in various sugar free products like daily humans using like gum and candy etc. this will cause rapid output insulin in dogs, it will lead hypoglycemia. If you found any products contain that xylitol, try to avoid your dogs to take. If accidentally your take you are not aware about you may some confusion state that why your dog getting sick.

Onions and Garlic:

Onions and Garlic, the both vegetables are very beneficial things for humans in their daily food ingredients. If you feed onions and garlics directly or indirectly it will directly affect your dogs red blood cells and its leads to anaemia. These symptoms may not appear immediately, it will give later serious side effects to your dog’s health. Your dog will get sick even a small issue.

Grapes and Raisins: A Small Snack, Big Risk

Surprisingly, grapes and raisins can cause kindly failure in your dogs. Grapes and raisins everyone using for their day to day food list in our homes. In the meantime, even a small number of grapes or raisins can cause severe kindly failures in dogs and can be very dangerous and symptoms may include vomiting, lethargy and decreased urine production in your dog.

Alcohol: No Cheer for Canines

Alcohol affects dogs very quickly than humans, causing symptoms of vomiting, irritation and some cases if dog health not good can cause coma or death. At any case dogs should never be given be alcohol and accidental exposure should be treated seriously. If you are conducting party in your home or around your dog living spaces it may have lot of changes your dog can consume some amount of alcohol.

Avocado: Not Guacamole for Pups

In general, contain a substance called persin, this can be toxic to dogs. this will give your dog very uncomforting conditions that causing stomach upset, breathing difficulties and some cases even heart failures can happen. So, its best to avoid avocados altogether and better to avoid avocado oil also for your dogs.

Macadamia Nuts: Tiny Treats, Major Consequences

These macadamia nuts frequently using in cookies and candies. It can cause weakness, tremors and hyperthermia in dogs. Quick prevent actions to stop this kind of feeding will give good results and your will live long years happily and healthily.

Bones: Not Always a Safe Chew

Bones are the most favourite food for every dogs. daily they have dreams to chew the bones. But not all the bones are safe for dogs. Cooked bones can splinter and cause internal or blockages. When you have small breed dogs you must careful while feeding bones. Also any accidental situation if your puppy eating bones due to new teeth to chew ,the broken bone pieces can stuck in the puppy stomach and it will give lot of pain to you puppy and small breed dogs.

Milk and Dairy: Not for Every Pup

Most of the peoples due to unawareness they are giving morning food with lot of milk, cheese or dairy products. But fact is not all the pup can have the same digestion power, depends on breed every pup have different digestive power. We prefer avoid giving your dog to feeding milk or any other dairy products unless this will lead digestive issues for your pup. Its making your dog uncomforting for a while until they will recover from digestion issues.

Artificial Sweeteners: A Sour Note for Canines

Always concern about if you feeding your dog with any artificial foods, there is many possibilities chemical ingredients includes in the food. without knowing that what is actually this food is made from and what is the dangerous ingredients included in that food. So, you just educate your family members to avoid to provide the toxic foods to your dog.


Raising a pet its not easy ,you have to aware dangerous foods for dogs and its crucial responsible. This will reduce the risk of your dog and it will prevent potential health issues for your dogs.

We hope you enjoyed our information this will help you to maintain puppy. In my personal life I lost my beloved dog (German shepherd) due to unaware the above information. Try to take of your puppy with proper care, if you are providing the right training for behaviour and food will reduce your half of the work to maintain the puppy.

If your dog don’t have the food control then it will lead your dog fatty. If you are not providing the proper physical activity your dog will lose over all good health condition like humans.

If your dog always playing with your neighbours house or with their dog you can avoid the relationship and you try educate them well manner that what are the consequences that will happen for both dog and how it will affect the dog health and leads to death even a single mistake of that situation or unknown conditions.

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